One of our objectives for us specialising in papaya farming is to have a food secure community. This targets the Arid and semi arid areas such as North Eastern Kenya and the lower eastern kenya which are hit by drought and famine time to time.

Papaya fruits have the following nutritional values:

Case study using 275g of papaya fruit flesh.

  1. 119 calories.
  2. 1.3 grams of protein.
  3. 30 grams of carbohydrates.
  4. Less than 1 gram of fat.
  5. 4.7 grams of dietary fiber.
  6. 21.58 grams of sugar

This is close to complete food (balanced diet) for all ages. Thus a reason for no starvation in our community.

Papaya seeds, peels and leaves can be ground to powder and used to control helminths and other intestinal parasites in children.

Incase of surplus fruits, papaya fruits are sold at a range of 40-60kes per kg farmgate price. One tree will give you approximately 1kg of fruits weekly. This can be a source of income to smallholder farmers.

We are specialists in papaya farming, farmers for farmers. Supplying you with high quality certified papaya seeds and seedlings. We also help you in getting market for your farm produce.

Reach us on +254 710 819 070.



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