Mealybugs are scale insects found in moist and warm habitats.
They attack most parts of the plant including leaves, Flower buds,fruits and young stems.
They attach themselves to the plant and secrete a powdery wax layer (hence the name “mealy” bug) used for protection while they suck the plant juices. They can be troublesome in presence of ants because they protect them predators.
Small infestation is insignificant but will turn chaotic and nasty if not treated. Heavy infestation will lead to foliage fall, Flower abortion and crooked stem growth.
Insecticides with active ingredient thiamethoxam e.g Actara and its close competitor imidacloprid e.g Emerald can be mixed with an oil based adjuvant/sticker such as leafshiner to clear mealybugs.
Spray them three times at an interval of one week to completely clear them.
For more information on papaya farming, orchard establishment, certified papaya seeds and seedlings, agronomic support and linkage to papaya fruit market reach us on +254 710 819 070
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